Master’s Message – September 2018

Mickey Torgan Worshipful Master Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M. 2017 – 2018 Dear Harmony Lodge Family, I hope everyone has had the chance to Rest and Refresh themselves overthe long Summer break. With September just around the corner, I’m looking forward to...

Master’s Message – June 2018

Mickey Torgan Worshipful Master Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M. 2017 – 2018 Dear Harmony Lodge family, Spring has final arrived, and with the nicer weather come a multitude of opportunities to get outside and enjoy the sunshine and fresh air. Harmony Lodge members...

Master’s Message – May 2018

Mickey Torgan Worshipful Master Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M. 2017 -2018 Dear Harmony Lodge family, It’s hard to believe, but this Master’s Message is being written forthe halfway point of our Masonic year. Being such an active Lodgedoesn’t always afford the Officers...

Master’s Message – April 2018

Mickey Torgan Worshipful Master Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M. 2017 -2018 Dear Harmony Lodge Family, As I write this message, I’m watching the snow fall from our third Nor’easter in two weeks. I think I say it for everyone; I can’t wait for spring! Spring is one of my...

Master’s Message – March 2018

Mickey Torgan Worshipful Master Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M. 2017 -2018 Dear Harmony Lodge Family, On January 27, 2018, Harmony Lodge welcomed the Class of 2018, as Brothers Armen Avagyen, Ralph Carlini, and Jan Zukowski were initiated as Entered Apprentices. Sitting...

Master’s Message – February 2018

Mickey Torgan Worshipful Master Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M. 2017 -2018 Dear Harmony Lodge Family, As many of you know, the Masters Message is written in advance of publication, so some of what I am writing about on January 7th for the February Trestleboard may seem...

Master’s Message – January 2018

Mickey Torgan Worshipful Master Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M. 2017 -2018 Dear Harmony Lodge Family, It goes without saying that it has been a very busy time at Harmony since my last Master’s Message. For those Ladies of the Lodge who might wonder where their...

Master’s Message – December 2017

Mickey Torgan Worshipful Master Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M. 2017 -2018 Dear Harmony Family,   Thank you, Brothers, for electing me Master of Harmony Lodge for the 2017 – 2018 term. I am extremely humbled in knowing that I am following a long line of...

Message from the West

Mickey Torgan Senior Warden Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M. 2016 -2017 “ As the sun is in the West at the Close of the Day””……iit’s hard to believe that my term as Senior Warden is coming to an end,, and I am poised to begin a new journey to the Oriental East.. Where...