Dear Harmony Lodge Family,
I hope everyone has had the chance to Rest and Refresh themselves overthe long Summer break. With September just around the corner, I’m looking forward to getting back in the swing of things as this year’s OfficersLine looks to finish the year off strong.
For those who say that Harmony goes “dark” during July and August, theymay have been surprised to see the lights burning well into the night at the Doric Masonic Center. Shortly after the Master Mason Degree at the end of June, extensive renovation work in the Lodge Room began under thewatchful eye of Worshipful Bob Kempf. I’m not going to spoil the surpriseby getting into too much detail, but I will say this: for those coming to the September meeting, you will be amazed at the work that will have been completed.
The summer season began with our June Past Masters Meeting. I really enjoyed sitting in the East with Worshipful Tom Piscopio who did not miss a beat even though it had been 20 years since he last presided over a meeting. I want to thank all the Past Masters who agreed to fill chairs that evening. I look forward to taking my turn in the coming years! I also want to thank the Officers for the great job they did cooking the meal that night.
Soon after the Past Masters Meeting, several of us attended BrotherSenior Warden Rob Izzi’s Ordination ceremony. This was something that Rob worked very hard for and it was wonderful to see the love and support for him as he was ordained to the Sacred Order of Deacons in the Episcopal Church. CongratulationsRob!
The Class of 2018 continued their journey towards becoming members of Harmony Lodge as they each were raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason on June 30th the month proved challenging, but with the help of several Brothers in the Grand Jurisdiction we were able to put on a memorable Degree. Thank you to some of the Officers who had an early Step Up night in some positions, and to all the Members who participated. You all made me very proud.
The Class didn’t have much time to rest, as they were busy prepping for the Harmony LodgeAnnual Picnic. Under the direction of Brother Sentinel Tom Drumm, the Class, along with other Brothers who helped out, put on a fantastic picnic for the Members and their families.The weather couldn’t have been more perfect. Thank you to everyone who participated in making this year’s picnic a success!
Brother Rob Izzi also didn’t have much time to rest, either, as he was busy planning the Harmony Lodge Annual Golf Tournament. Proceeds from this year’s tournament again benefitted the Scottish Rite Dyslexia Center. Although I don’t golf, I enjoyed spending timewith the folks from the Dyslexia Center as we all waited for the golfers to finish up. Not knowing much about what the Center does (outside of what you read in the brochures), it was a fantastic education in learning about the program.
As a proud advisor and supporter of Fidelity Chapter, I was thrilled to hear that Most Worshipful Grand Master Glenn Carlson invited the Chapter to provide the entertainment for the Northeast Conference of Grand Masters, which was held at the Crowne Plaza in Warwick on July 27th. Members of Fidelity Chapter performed the Ceremony of Light, and current State Master Councilor (and Past Master Councilor of Fidelity) Armando Barragan – Tovar performed the Flower Talk. They did a great job and I know I speak for all of the Advisors of the Chapter when I say how proud of the them we were that night. Thank you Most Worshipful for inviting them and for allowing the rest of the guests to see that Rhode Island DeMolay is here to stay.It seems kind of funny to call it the “End of Summer Steak Fry” so early in August, but your Officers start early in getting ready for September’s Meeting. This year’s Steak Fry was on the first Tuesday in August, and it’s a great way to informally get back into swing of heading to theLodge on the first Tuesday. Invitations were sent out (thank you W:. Kempf for printing and mailing them out) and we had a very good turnout. I was pleasantly surprised to see manyBrothers we haven’t seen in a while, and it was great catching up. Special thanks go out toBrother Junior Deacon Josh Edwards and Brother Bill Laliberte for doing the cooking, Brother Senior Deacon Dave Desplaines for doing the procuring, and Brother Senior Warden Rob Izzi for picking up and dropping off the grill. I also want to thank Brother Junior Steward Jose Gonzalez and one of our newest Master Masons, Armen Avagyan, for taking charge of the clean up!
I want to end this message by paying homage to two Brothers who laid down their working tools over the summer, and are now watching over us from the Celestial Lodge above: W:. Art Chapman and W:. Frank Allen. Although each of them was involved in a number of Masonic organizations, their support for Harmony never wavered. They both provided me (and many other members of the Lodge) with great advice when asked, or whispered good counsel whenneeded. They both went about quietly showing what it means to “be a Mason”. I know Ispeak for a number of Brothers when I say that they will be missed. Please keep the Chapman and Allen families in your thoughts and prayers.
Mick Torgan
Worshipful Master