Dear Harmony family,

This past month we started off with the game dinner. What a turn out, thank you to the 45 brothers that helped make that event as much fun and successful that it was. I look forward to this event every year. We also had our District deputy visitation following the event. Our DDGM and his GMC had a great time at the game dinner and are looking forward to going again next year. This past month was a busy one for us. I had the honor of presenting with the DDGM and few other brothers a 50-year medal to worshipful John Cirelli. Fellow craft had their appreciation night for the hard work at the game dinner, it was nice to hang out with the brothers and grill some steaks. Fellow craft also had another
poker night. What a great time that is. I’m happy to see fellow craft doing more events each year and will continue to do more events for the brothers and families.

Coming up in April we have another busy month. We have our annual Easter party, which brother junior steward Mike Lawson has planned and will be a great time for everyone in attendance.

Ionic is doing a table lodge on the 12 th . Day light lodge has their official visitation by the DDGM. We at Harmony also have our fellow craft degree at the end of the month. I urge you all to come out for the degree the officers have been working hard to put on the best degree we can. We look forward to seeing all the brothers at the degree and we hope you enjoy it. I would like to say thank you to the officers for their continued support, hard work, and dedication not only to the officer’s line but also the lodge and all the brothers. I hope everyone has a happy Easter and gets to enjoy a nice day with friends
and family.


Here are some dates to be mindful of:
: Harmony regular meeting April 1 st dinner 6:30pm breakfast for dinner
: Harmony Easter party April 6 th 12pm to 3pm reservations go to Mike Lawson
: Harmony fellow craft club meeting April 16 th 7pm
: Harmony fellow craft degree April 26 th 9am


Fraternally yours, Bill