Mickey Torgan
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
2017 – 2018
Dear Harmony Lodge family,
It’s hard to believe that this is my last Master’s Message (I’ll pause for amoment to let the cheering subside).
For those of you in attendance at the October Step – Up Night Meeting,there was no doubt that your Officer’s Line is ready for the next step in theirjourney. I was very impressed (and quite proud) of the work they did that evening.
As my year winds down, I note that Harmony Lodge has experienced a lot of highs and lows over the past year. The highpoints include the renovation of the Lodge Room (thanks again to the Doric Board for the many, many hours over the past few years spent on outlining a plan that we could execute), as well as the on – going renovations in the capable hands of handyman – extraordinaire Keith Barone. It goes without saying that we are very fortunate to have a fantastic Project Manager, W:. Bob Kempf, whose love for the building shows in everything that he does.
We’ve also been very fortunate in that our newest Master Masons to sign the by – laws, Armen Avagyan, Ralph Carlini, and Jan Zukowski, havebrought a tremendous amount of enthusiasm to the Lodge. I’ve had thepleasure of traveling with Armen and Ralph to Ionic Lodge to witness an Entered Apprentice degree, and I know each of them has attended other events. Their enthusiasm is contagious, and has re – awakened in me the desire to get out there and visit more Lodges.
As for the low points, Harmony Lodge also experienced the loss of three men who served as mentors to not only myself, but so many other Brothers. Worshipfuls Jesse Edwards, III, Arthur Chapman, Sr., and Frank Allen, Jr. not only left their mark on Harmony Lodge, but were all instrumental in supporting the Masonic Youth groups. Each of them leave very large shoes to fill. I hope that by following their example, I can carry on their legacy.I would like to close out this final Master’s Message with a few thank- you’s:
– To the Officers line that served with me during this term: thank you for all of your hard work and dedication to the Lodge. Harmony is one of the most active Lodges in the state, and your dedication in running the many events we had this year is one of the reasons we are so successful. I cannot think of a better group of men to be in leadership positions, and I see nothing but great things in store for Harmony in the coming year
– Brother Bill Laliberte and W:. Don Aquilante, both of whom were my “utility players” this year. Bill filled in for our very own “Traveling Man” Sentinel Tom Drumm in January, and not only filled the seat during Tom’s absence, but even learned the EA lecture and delivered itflawlessly. There were a number of times when I needed a last-minute replacement, and Bill was always the first to volunteer. Worshipful Don also filled in a number of seats, especially during degrees when outside commitments prevented current line Officers from attending, and also performed flawlessly. Thank you both for your dedication, and your flexibility.
– Although Brother Jim Hopper was briefly an Officer (Jim, Brother Senior Warden Rob Izzi and I were all appointed by W:. Mike Dixon), his influence at Harmony was felt long before he put on the jewel and apron. Prior to my joining the Lodge, I remember my father talking about the monthly cards he would get from Jim, and he much he enjoyed receiving them. I laterfound out that Jim was sending cards to Brothers on the Sick and Shut In list and this wasn’tsomething that he was asked to do: he saw what he perceived as a way to contribute his timeand talents to the Lodge, and help brighten someone’s day. Jim truly exemplifies what itmeans to be a Mason. I know I speak for the entire Harmony Lodge family when I say that we wish Jim and Wanda the best as they start the next chapter of their journey in Tennessee.
– To the members of Harmony Lodge, thank you to all who participated in some of the events that we did this year. I know this has been said before, but I feel it needs repeating: you do not have to be an Officer at Harmony to make an impact. As an example, if there is anevent that you would like to see happen, do not be afraid that if you bring it to someone’s notice, you’ll have to run it. There are a number of Brothers available who would be morethan happy to assist in helping you! And on the flip – side, if an Officer in charge of organizing an event asks for your help, know that they are asking for your help because they have great faith in your ability to assist. I encourage members to bring forth ideas, whether forentertainment, events, etc. It’s by working in the quarries together that we help to build astrong Lodge.
– And I would certainly be remiss if I did not thank my daughter Nicole, for all the help she has given me throughout my journey to the East. Whether it was helping out during theChildren’s Parties, making the centerpieces for the Annual Banquet last year, or accompanyingme to Banquets, she has been there every step of the way, and I truly appreciate it!
As I close this Message, I just want to say that I am very much looking forward to “Wishful” Izzi’s year, and seeing the Officers advance to their next stations. I cannot wait for each ofthem to continue to shine and have no doubt that they will make not only me, but all of you, proud to be a member of Harmony Lodge.
Mick Torgan
Worshipful Master