Mickey Torgan
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
2017 -2018
Dear Harmony Lodge Family,
As I write this message, I’m watching the snow fall from our third Nor’easter in two weeks. I think I say it for everyone; I can’t wait for spring! Spring is one of my favorite seasons. It is a time of renewal, not just for nature, but for us, as well. Just as the many plants awaken from their long, winter slumber and bloom, so do we.
Harmony began her Spring awakening with the Annual Henry Rossi Memorial Game Dinner, and this year’s was another success. Kudos to everyone involved. Although it is a lot of work, it is also a great opportunity for fellowship. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Our March meeting was full of memorable events. The night began with a fantastic Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner, put on by Lisa Dupre and her crew. When I spoke with Lisa about preparing the meal, she was a little nervous, but it was obvious she had little reason to be – I heard nothing but raves. Thank you Lisa!
We also had the pleasure of hosting Right Worshipful District Deputy Grand Master Andre Faria and his Worshipful Grand Master of Ceremonies Brandt Evans on their official visitation to Harmony. One of the nice benefits of the DDGM’s visitation is the opportunity to catch up with other brothers from within the district.
We had a larger than normal turnout, including some Past Grand Masters, as well as our current Grand Master, Most Worshipful Peter Iacobucci, in order to honor Right Worshipful Bob Stearns as he was presented with his 50 year service medal. It was great to see the love and support for Bob. Right Worshipful Faria also had a very clever lead – in to the presentation, where he recounted important events from 1968, culminating in the fact that 1968 was the year Right Worshipful Stearns joined the Craft. Very well done!
Our entertainment for the evening was courtesy of Worshipful Javier Alfonzo, Worshipful Master of Redwood Lodge. Although we had some technical difficulties in getting the audio visual portion going, our ad hoc IT crew was able pull everything together. Worshipful Alfonzo spoke about his work as an Operative Mason, particularly as a calligrapher, and showed examples of some of his work. This type of craft requires patience and concentration, traits which we are taught to emulate as speculative Masons.
I was fascinated with his presentation, and what struck me most was when he was talking about his “working tools”. His type of work does not require very expensive tools, or even a truckload of them. Most of what he uses can be gathered into a small bag which he can bring from job to job, as needed. This brought to mind the “tools and implements” of our profession, as speculative Masons…tools which we can carry with us as we move through our own lives. Thank you, Worshipful Alfonzo, for presenting one of the most thought – provoking presentations I’ve seen in a while.
Fidelity Chapter held a Pasta and Meatball fundraiser on March 10th to celebrate the 94th anniversary of their Charter. As mentioned in previous messages, I am extremely proud of these young men – they planned the event, sold the tickets, and did all the cooking. Their hard work paid off, as they raised $1200, which will be used to offset the cost of future conclave visits, etc. Please keep an eye out for any future Fidelity events, and support Fidelity Chapter. And you don’t have to look too far to see the next Fidelity event, as Harmony Lodge will be paying her official visitation to Fidelity Chapter on Friday, April 13th at 7:00 PM. Please make every effort to attend, as Fidelity will be putting on the Ceremony of Light. Brother Jeremy Newton, Harmony’s Senior Steward and Fidelity Chapter’s Ritual Advisor, has been working with the guys, and I have no doubt that this will be a memorable presentation.
Harmony Lodge continues her busy schedule in April, so please make sure to read through this issue for the many upcoming events, including, but not limited to, the Sick and Shut In Visitations on Saturday April 14th and the Fellowcraft Degree on Saturday April 28th.
Finally, I want to recognize all the hard work that your Officers have been doing this year. We’ve got three “first – timers” in line, and they have all met the challenge, especially those who skipped a chair or two. The “veterans” also continue to exhibit the same hard work and love of the Lodge we’ve come to expect. They not only make me look good, but are fantastic representatives of Harmony Lodge. Thank you, Brothers, for all you do!
Mick Torgan
Worshipful Master