Mickey Torgan
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
2017 -2018
Dear Harmony Lodge Family,
On January 27, 2018, Harmony Lodge welcomed the Class of 2018, as
Brothers Armen Avagyen, Ralph Carlini, and Jan Zukowski were initiated as Entered Apprentices. Sitting in the East gives you a different perspective on the Degree as it unfolds, and I want to say that I am very proud of the work done by your Officers Line. Our newest candidates are already showing themselves up to the task of learning their proficiencies, and I look forward to their journey as they progress through their remaining Degrees and, ultimately, signing the By-Laws. For those Brothers who were unable to attend the Degree, please make sure to introduce yourselves to the Class at your next opportunity. Remember: out of all the Lodges in the state, they chose Harmony, and it is by our words and actions, that we show them they made the right choice.
I also want to take this opportunity to thank Brother Senior Warden, Rob Izzi, for coordinating the catered meal we all enjoyed after the Entered Apprentice Degree. Also assisting Brother Rob, were Lady Denise Izzi and Lady Rosa David, along with members of Fidelity Chapter. The meals that we share with the Candidates and their families afterwards is a special time, and you all helped to make it that much more special.
Thanks are also due to Brothers Right Worshipful Ken Poyton and Brother Bill Laliberte. Right Worshipful Poyton has provided homemade baked goods for our January and February collations. Although I’m not much of a baker, I can appreciate all the work that’s involved in making the desserts, and I truly appreciate the thought and effort behind it. Especially the cookies…
Knowing that our Sentinel, Brother Tom Drumm, would be out of the country from late December to mid – February, I asked Brother Bill Laliberte, if he would like to fill –in for his Classmate. Bill did not hesitate in saying yes. Not only did he perform the Sentinel’s duties on the floor, he took it upon himself to learn the Sentinel’s Entered Apprentice lecture, and delivered it flawlessly. Thank you, Bill, for stepping up to the plate, and knocking it out of the park.
Harmony Lodge also helped out at the Epiphany Soup Kitchen on February 10, 2018. Worshipful Mike Cunningham, upon hearing that Epiphany was in need of help, rounded up a crew of Harmony Brothers to assist Epiphany in making sure that those folks in need of a hot meal would receive one. Thanks to Brothers Jim Hopper, Jay Gail, Jose Gonzalez, and Worshipful Mike for participating.
Looking ahead to our March meeting, we have the pleasure of welcoming the District Deputy Grand Master for the Central Masonic District, Right Worshipful Andre Faria, as well as his Worshipful Grand Master of Ceremonies, Brandt Evans, for their official visitation to Harmony Lodge. Right Worshipful Faria will be presenting 50 – Year Service medals to those Brothers able to attend. Our program for the evening will be courtesy of Worshipful Javier Alfonzo, Worshipful Master of Redwood Lodge. Worshipful Alfonzo is in the unique position of being an Operative, as well as a Speculative, Mason, and has prepared a talk about how the two intersect. I have seen some examples of his stonework, and he is truly a craftsman.
Upcoming Harmony events in March include the Children’s Easter Party, which will be held on March 24th from 12:00 to 4:00 PM. Brother Junior Steward, Jose Gonzalez, has been hard at work planning the event, and I have no doubt that he and his helpers will do a great job. Further details, including contact information, are in the Trestleboard.
On March 10th, Fidelity Chapter, Order of DeMolay, will be holding a Pasta Dinner fundraiser to commemorate the 96th anniversary of their Charter. As most of you know, Harmony Lodge has been a proud sponsor of Fidelity Chapter for over 30 years, and several Harmony Brothers, including myself, are on the Advisory Board. True to the spirit of DeMolay, this fundraiser is organized by the members, and the young men of Fidelity Chapter have been working hard on planning the event. I urge all members that are able, to attend the fundraiser and show your support. Fidelity Chapter is always there when we need any help for our functions, so it is only right that we be there for them. The Masonic Youth groups, DeMolay and Rainbow, truly enjoy when Masons (and their families) participate. Tickets will be available at our March meeting, and additional information is in the Trestleboard.
Lastly, please note that the deadline for the Macintosh Scholarship applications must be postmarked by May 15, 2018. Additional information is in the Trestleboard.
Please note that Lodge will be opened at 7:00 PM so that we can complete Lodge business prior to receiving the District Deputy Grand Master at 7:30PM. Dinner will begin at 6:00 PM.
Mick Torgan, Worshipful Master