Master's Message


Master’s Message

View From The West – 2012

To All the Brethren of Harmony Lodge # 9 The first time it really hit me that someday I may be elected Master of this Lodge, was 2 years ago, during the step-up night rehearsal when I moved from Senior Deacon to Junior Warden. As I sat in the J.W.'s chair, time...

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Master’s Message – October 2012

Todd Derksen Worshipful Master Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M. 2011-2012     Brethren, Last month, we had an impromptu evening out at Chelo's Waterfront in Warwick, where we had 30 some odd folks sitting around an outside fire pit, with a live band playing in...

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Master’s Message – September 2012

Todd Derksen Worshipful Master Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M. 2011-2012     Brethren, Please make every effort to attend our September meeting, as we will be performing proficiencies on 9 candidates. If you have seen them in either Entered Apprentice or...

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Fraternally Yours

Todd Derksen Worshipful Master Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M. 2011-2012       I met a dear old man today Who wore a Masonic pin It was old and faded like the man, ...It's edges worn and thin. I approached the park bench where he sat, To give the old...

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Master’s Message – June 2012

Todd Derksen Worshipful Master Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M. 2011-2012   Congratulations to the officers for having a successful Fellowcraft Degree, especially Bro Jason Gail for his Middle Chamber lecture. We actually performed courtesy degrees for 3 brothers...

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Fellowcraft Club


