Michael O. Dixon
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Dear Brethren
If you are reading this Master’s message, then you did indeed elect me as your 157th
Master of Harmony Lodge # 9 and I want to thank all the Brothers for your confidence that you have shown in me. I will do my best to lead Harmony Lodge for the upcoming year to the best of my ability. (To my Senior Warden Ed Diggle; you now have less than one year).
Please welcome our newest officers, Brother Robert Izzi, Sentinel; Brother James Hopper; Junior Steward and Brother Merrill Torgan; Senior Steward. Brother Izzi may be fairly new to the craft, but he has demonstrated from the beginning, all of the traits that will make him a valuable member of our Lodge. And as you know, Robert, we do not pick Sentinels; we pick the future Masters of our Lodge, who start out as Sentinels. Brothers, you may notice him when He enters a room for his stature at first, but I invite you to talk to him, and you will see that Bob has all the qualities that we, as Masons, look for. Thank you Bob for stepping forward. I know you will do a good job for me and for your Lodge.
While our Stewards may be new to being an officer, they are well versed in being Masons.
To my SS Merrill Torgan; You have always been there helping out the Lodge with such events as the Game Dinner, various parties and our social gatherings, tirelessly lending your support, and may have thought by being quiet you weren’t being noticed. Well, you were noticed. Not only by me but by many of the past Masters, who were very happy that you accepted this appointment. Thank you Merrill. I cannot thank our JS James Hopper enough for all he has done before he has even sat in his new chair. Organizing my Past Masters night, setting up my annual, and more than I can remember and have room to write here. But that is the way Jim has been from the start, always there, always helping, always thinking of ways we can be a stronger Lodge. Thank you Jim.
While our Junior Deacon may be the officer with the second shortest amount of time as a Mason, I can’t imagine anyone not knowing Him. Last year, Brother Mike Cunningham ran the Lodge picnic and helped run the golf tournament one right after the other. He helped set up the dining room for our installation dinner, so there would be one less thing for me to worry about, and even changed a light bulb in the Lodge room. That is dedication. Thank you Mike. Our Senior Deacon, Al Anton, has a big challenge this year, a certain lecture that we all know and love. When I asked Al how he felt about doing the Middle Chamber, his reply was “I will be ready”. Brother Anton is another one of those quiet types, but I am confident that his
voice will be heard in this upcoming year, and will do a great job. Thank you Al.
I can’t imagine how our meetings and special events would be without our Musical Director W. Bill Spicer. When I walk into the Lodge room, and see him sitting up there, in front of the organ, it always makes me feel like I am walking into my own home. What else can I say. Thank you Bill.
I have a running joke with our Chaplain, W. Richard Wood. I call him “Dad”. Your sense of humor, easy-going manner, and just all around good nature remind me so much of my Dad. And, like my Dad, we look nothing alike. I look more like the milkman we had when I was growing up. Thank you Richard.
When our Senior Deacon stepped out of line for personal reasons, the job of Junior Warden, an elected position, fell to Brother Steve Waxman. His first reaction was not of himself, but to the Brethren. How would they feel? I can assure the Brothers that our new J.W. has the highest values for Family, This Country, and his Lodge. Being another quiet one, I invite you to get to know him as well as I have been privileged to know him. While he was to have sat at my right hand this year, as he has done for the past two years, I am very happy that he is sitting to my left, as my Junior Warden. Thank you Steve.
To my Senior Warden Ed Diggle: I have seen you accept challenge after challenge, always coming out on top, and have now accepted the second biggest challenge in your Masonic career; which is taking on the duties and responsibilities of the Senior Warden of Harmony Lodge. You have been my friend, and more importantly, my Brother for a few years now. And while you may not believe it, you have picked me up when I have been down, and knowing that I can always count on you to be there for me, has been a source of reassurance. I am looking forward to this year with you and all the officers of harmony Lodge. And again Ed, you have LESS than one year now. Thank you Ed
To Worshipful Todd P. Derksen, PM, Harmony Lodge. We started off this journey together, being appointed at the same time. I told you I wanted to start off as Sentinel, as My Dad did, to see what he found so special about Masonry. I have never regretted that choice. Now I can tell you another reason why I chose that path. I knew from the moment we started our friendship, that you were a leader. We have all heard the expression “a tough act to follow”, but in this case, it is an easy act to follow, because you have laid the groundwork for me. Your open and transparent way of leadership and dedication to this Lodge of ours will make this year easy for me. Thank you for being a great leader and being a great friend. Thank you Todd Derksen, W.M. Harmony Lodge# 9, 2012.
I would like to thank all the Past Masters and Brethren for their help and their continued support, but I would like to especially like thank Past Masters Alan French, Steve Charron, and Jesse Edwards. I said I joined masonry to find the reason my Dad liked the craft so much. I found that reason in you. You have shown me how true masons should always Meet, Act and Part. Thank you all.
My last thank you has been the hardest and taken the longest to write. Having a supportive family base is the most essential of all things to have to do anything in life. I am fortunate to have that. My wife’s Father was a Mason, so she had an idea of what it entailed. Words do not seem enough to thank your wife for all she has done for you, not only in regards to my involvement in masonry, but for all the things that she does, or doesn’t do. (like kick me out, which no one would blame her for doing it. Just kidding Lynn). No matter how much I screw up, or how bad my day has been, I know that you will be there for me. You can’t thank someone enough for that. So here is a small down payment, the first of many, many times I will say Thank you.
Thank you Lynn.
Michael O. Dixon
W.M. Harmony Lodge # 9 F&AM