Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
Brethren, It is my deepest wish that my message finds you well. Truth be told, I may have procrastinated in the writing of this message, as this will be my last message in my term. Not without having had a few difficult opportunities, I have thoroughly enjoyed my overall year serving as the Worshipful Master of Harmony Lodge. At the beginning of my term, I was worried about executing my various responsibilities up to the standard that have been set before me. I am pleased to report to the brethren that your Officers have performed their duties with due order and decorum.
It’s with mixed emotions that I reflect upon no longer being the Master of the Lodge. Even though I enjoyed my time in the position, knowing that you only have a single year to get all your plans completed, becomes an excellent motivator. At Harmony, we are blessed to have a sideline that will support having new appointments to take on the responsibility of becoming an officer of the Lodge and possibly a future Master.
November kicks off our new term, with a new slate of officers on the third Tuesday o the month. It is our hope that the brethren will be supportive of the new officers and their future endeavors. I have been lead to believe that we will continue with the usual events that we have become accustomed.
We were faced with some substantial increases for a Cape Cod Get-away, in an effort to keep the increases at a minimum, we moved the event to January, opposed to Valentine’s Day Weekend. As your humble barkeep for this weekend event, I would like to encourage as many of you that are able to join us. I haven’t decided on what feature drink I will be making this year, understanding that the 5 gallon scorpion bowl was consumed by 9 PM. I remember after going to my first getaway several years ago, I shared with my wife that I couldn’t imagine us not going to this event.
To all of the members, I sincerely want to thank you for the confidence that was placed in voting me in as your Master and hope that you will agree, that I have performed my duties to the best of my abilities. Also I wish to publically thank my wife, Kimberly for being supportive of the numerous times that the lodge had taken me away from my family and responsibilities at home.
God Bless,
WM Derksen