Michael O. Dixon
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Dear Family, Friends and Brethren,
I hope everyone had a safe and Happy Christmas and New Year’s. With all that is going on in this world, we should stop and give thanks for what we have and who we have to share this time with.
There were three events in the month of December, all of which were a very big success.
First, we had our children’s Christmas party on the first Saturday of December, which was enjoyed by a pretty good sized crowd. At one point, W. Steve Charron pulled me to the window at the top of the stairs, and looking down into the dining area, he said “Master, Behold your Lodge”. Harmony Lodge is not just made of Brothers, but of our families as well. A big thank you to Bro. Patrick Connor and his wife Amy, and all your helpers for all the hard work you did in bringing it all together. Thank you W. Edwards and company for the great food, and for making all those pizzas at the last minute 🙂
The next Saturday we had our Ladies Luncheon. There are six elements required in creating a successful ladies luncheon; Appetizers, a good meal, great entertainment, beautiful centerpieces for the tables, gifts for our wonderful ladies, and of course, a “no-fat” desert table. Points one, two and six were deliciously provided by Chelo’s . Our entertainment was provided by Bro. Junior Steward Jim Hopper, who scored big time with Jennifer Melo. Thank you Jim. The seasonal centerpieces and beautiful gifts were provided by my wife Lynn. She also made the awesome centerpieces for our Annual. I can’t thank you enough, Lynn, for all you do.
The third Saturday was our annual Sick and Shut in Visitation day, which was coordinated by Our Junior Warden, Bro. Steve Waxman. We had 22 Brothers at Scramblers meeting for breakfast, and a total of 25 Brothers who gave of their time to visit and try to bring some cheer. This is not an easy event to pull together, and I know a lot of hours were put in to make it go as smoothly as possible. But as he did with his class, Bro Steve Waxman did an excellent job. Thank you W. Edwards for purchasing the plants.
From Lynn and myself, thank you to everyone for a very enjoyable first month.
Michael O. Dixon W.M. Harmony Lodge # 9 F&AM