Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
Last month, we had an impromptu evening out at Chelo’s Waterfront in Warwick, where we had 30 some odd folks sitting around an outside fire pit, with a live band playing in the background, filled with laughter and fellowship, enjoying one of the last few summer nights of this year. The entire event was 100% orchestrated by leveraging social media (Facebook), so if you haven’t already, I strongly recommend that you invest the time to set up an account (it’s free) and join our webpage on Facebook.
Last month, we had nine upstanding gentlemen deemed proficient in the craft and signing our bylaws, officially becoming members of our beloved institution. What an exciting time it will be for us to watch their first Masonic steps, as they begin to erect their own Masonic edifice.
My apologies for ducking out of our September meeting, as I had my bride of 20 years patiently was waiting for me to join her for a late night dinner.
As I write this month’s message, I can’t help but smile as I reflect upon my time serving as 207th Worshipful Master of our iconic Lodge, hopefully I have done the title that you have bestowed upon me justice. It certainly has been a life lesson being the Master of the Lodge. As you sit up in the East, you have a better understanding of the term the “all seeing eye”, where you have the opportunity of seeing the good, the bad and unfortunately at times, the ugly. Which is fine, the good has certainly outweighed the bad and for that
I will forever be eternally grateful. It really has been a great year and I certainly have enjoyed my time serving as Master of this lodge. Next month I will be stepping down from the East, joining the ranks of my brethren, which I believe is for the best, allowing another the opportunity to take the helm of responsibility for leading this lodge into the future.
October will follow in tradition of being our “Step Up” Night for the Officers, where they will have the opportunity to experience a night in their next presumed chair. It is my sincere wish that you will be supportive of their future endeavors.
God Bless, Todd