Master's Message


Master’s Message

Master’s Message – June 2017

Michael Cunningham Worshipful Master  Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M. 2016 -2017 Dear Harmony Lodge Family, Harmony’s Masonic year continues and it is personally hard to believe it isalmostJune! At the May monthly communication,the Doric Association Board of...

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Master’s Message – May 2017

Michael Cunningham Worshipful Master  Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M. 2016 -2017 Dear Harmony Lodge Family, It is nice to be settling into a budding Rhode Island Spring and all the activities that go with it. A big thank you to Brother Senior Warden Mick Torgan for...

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Master’s Message – April 2017

Michael Cunningham Worshipful Master  Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M. 2016 -2017 Dear Harmony Lodge Family, I would like to start this month’s message by congratulating all of the 25, 50 and 60 year Harmony Lodge service recipients, particularly those who were...

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