Dear Harmony Lodge Family,
As the sun sets on our current Masonic year, I would like to start by thanking everyone who participated in the recent Ladies at the Table dinner where over 60 people attended. It was a great evening dedicated to honoring the Ladies who continually support us in our Masonic growth, and I was very proud of the level of support that the Brethren contributed to making this a very enjoyable evening for all of our guests. I would also like to thank Brother Senior Deacon Pat Connor for his considerable efforts in helping to organize this event.
At October’s meeting, I was pleased to be able to inform the Lodge that I had been corresponding with Mrs. Alison Patrick, the daughter of Worshipful Brother Lloyd C. Loofboro, who was Master of Harmony Lodge in 1937. She very generously returned several of his Masonic possessions including his past master’s jewel and 25 year service medal, his past master’s apron, as well as his past thrice illustrious master’s apron and jewel from Ionic Council. These items will become cherished additions to the other Masonic items on display in the Lodge library.
Harmony’s October meeting was also our annual step up night, where Brother Senior Warden Mick Torgan conducted business for the evening from the Oriental East, with the assistance of the Lodge officers assuming their next presumptive chairs for the upcoming Masonic year. It was very encouraging to see the level of support Mick and his officers received from all the sideline members in attendance. It was also great to see the level of excitement at the prospect of our next Masonic year being almost upon us. Please review the list of all the upcoming activities (herein) and plan to participate as you are able. Harmony never has any shortage of social and fraternal activities planned this time of year, and they are that much more successful when they are actively supported by Lodge membership. Of particular note, please plan to attend Harmony’s annual communication on Tuesday November 21 (please note 5pm start time) for the election of officers. Dinner will be held at approximately 630pm, with the installation of officers to follow.
Lastly, it has been an immense personal privilege to serve as Master of Harmony Lodge for this past Masonic year, and I thank the brethren for giving me the opportunity to do so. A very big thank you is due to your Lodge officers, who tirelessly committed to planning and executing all activities that were conducted this past year. I also thank my family and friends for their endless support, especially during occasions where Lodge commitments precluded me from being able to spend more time with them. I also want to thank Worshipful Brother Todd Derksen for appointing me to the officer’s line, and giving me the opportunity to play a leadership role at Harmony. Being active in Lodge activities over the past several years has really allowed me to grow as a person, and it is something that I will never be able to pay back. One special precept of our fraternity is that our leadership is composed of our membership, but that no one person is given that role in perpetuity. Moving forward, I look forward to resuming my place on the sidelines with my fellow brethren, where we can again meet on the level, and collectively provide support to our future Lodge leaders.
Respectfully and Fraternally,
Michael A. Cunningham
Worshipful Master