Michael Cunningham
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
2016 -2017
Dear Harmony Lodge Family,
Harmony’s Masonic year continues and it is personally hard to believe it isalmostJune! At the May monthly communication,the Doric Association Board of Directors presented the building project recommendation that the current building be maintained and renovated according to a still-to-be- determined schedule, and proposed it to be managed by a building project sub-committee composed of both sideline and Lodge leadership members. A ratification vote will be held at the September communication, which provides ample opportunity for Lodge members to ask questions or generally discuss options for the future of the building.
A busy month of May included a Masonic feast at the Anawan Club. A great night was had by all 36 brothers who attended, which included a presentation of the Mothman sightings in WV in the mid-1960s. This night of fellowship will remain a very fond memory for me once my term in the Oriental East has come to an end, and I hope all those who attended enjoyed themselves as well.
Congratulations to the Class of 2017 for organizing their first successful event. A family bowling day was held on Sunday May 7 at Kingstown Bowl and the group of about 20 participants spent an enjoyable Sunday afternoon together. In a very short time (Saturday June 3, 2pm), the Class of 2017 will also be raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason. A family dinner will follow the afternoon degree, so please plan to attend. Your participation directly contributes to the impressions left with candidates during and after the degree.
Our June meeting will be our annual Past Masters’ Meeting followed by a steak fry courtesy of your officers, who will tend the grill that evening. Please note that the meeting will start at 630pm with dinner to follow once the meeting has concluded. Cost for dinner is $15 and advanced reservations are required. Steaks cannot be guaranteed to those who do not make reservations in advance so please plan accordingly.
I would like to draw your attention to a few June activities of note. On Friday June 9, Harmony will participate in a formal visitation to Rainbow Woodridge Assembly at the Doric Masonic Center. Harmony’s travel club will also attend Redwood Lodge’s June monthly communication on Monday June 12 (730pm, Grand Lodge). In addition, Harmony will purchase and serve the meal to the homeless at the Epiphany Soup Kitchen on Saturday June 17 (230-430pm, St. Stephen’s Church, Providence). Approximately 10 volunteers are needed for this worthy cause. Please plan to participate in any or all of these activities; these are great opportunities to foster fellowship amongst your Brethren.
Finally, as the Lodge prepares to “go dark” for the summer, please plan to participate in several activities that are currently in the works: the Harmony Lodge picnic is on Sunday, July 9, and the Central District Charity golf tournament will be held on Saturday July 15. Further details for these events can be found herein. In addition, an informal August “meeting” will be held on Tuesday August 1 for those who would like to attend an informal dinner and fellowship at the Lodge (there will be no tiled meeting – details to follow). Please save the date for our 2017 Ladies at the Table event to be held on Saturday September 23 at the Doric Masonic Center. Further details will be forthcoming, but please reach out to me or any of your officers for more information. I would also encourage anyone seeking fellowship opportunities over the summer to keep in touch using social media. Harmony has both an active website (www.harmony9.org) and Facebook page with frequent announcements of informal gatherings. I have found a lot of the most enjoyable Masonic activities are ones that occur spontaneously, so please keep in touch over the summer.
Respectfully and Fraternally,
Michael A. Cunningham
Worshipful Master