Dear Harmony family, This past month we started off with the game dinner. What a turn out, thank you to the 45 brothers that helped make that event as much fun and successful that it was. I look forward to this event every year. We also had our District deputy...
Dear Harmony family, These past months the officers and I have been busy studying and rehearsing for the EAdegree. I would just like to congratulate the officers on a job well done on the degree work. Also,congratulations to our newest brothers Dave Pickering, William...
Dear Harmony family, This past month we started off with a bang. The lady’s dinner was a great time. My wifeand I had so much fun with everyone, and the turnout was fantastic. Thank you all for yourcontinued support to the lodge and our families. Without our ladies we...
Jeremy Newton Worshipful Master Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.Brothers, Ladies and Friends of the Lodge, Hopefully by the time you receive this message, you have already made your reservation for the Past Master steak fry on June 6th. If you have not made those, please...
Jeremy Newton Worshipful Master Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.Brothers, Ladies and Friends of the Lodge, I would be remiss if I started this months message without first speaking about the incredibly busy start Harmony had to April. We started on April 1st by conducting...