Jeremy Newton
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Brothers, Ladies and Friends of the Lodge,
I would be remiss if I started this months message without first speaking about the incredibly busy start Harmony had to April. We started on April 1st by conducting the Fellowcraft degree for 8 candidates, 5 from Harmony alongside 3 courtesy candidates. After the degree, which featured an excellent Middle Chamber by Brother Michael Meier, we adjourned downstairs where we were all treated with a delightful April Fool’s dinner put on by the young ladies of Woodridge Assembly. Some quick cleaning and preparation followed, then the next day was our annual Easter party. Brother Resch’s excellent organizational skills were in effect, as he led his committee in executing a tremendous day for the children, well done Brother.
For our meeting in April, Harmony had the privilege of hosting the Grand Master’s visitation to the Central district. What an amazing night of brotherhood this night turned out to be. If you were able to attend the earlier opening, you would have noticed we had three Masters sitting in the East, as we made it a joint meeting with our brethren from St Pauls and Adelphoi. These brethren also meet on the first Tuesday, so it is rare to have the opportunity to sit in lodge with them, but I do hope that meeting with our brethren from the other side of the bay in a joint setting is something that can be arranged to happen again. We then received the official suites, which brought the count up to above 130 brothers in the Lodge that night, a truly spectacular sight, and the largest meeting I have ever attended outside of Grand Lodge annuals.
But enough reminiscing, we continue moving upon the level and doing the work of the day. On May 2nd we will have our regular communication. There is a good bit going on that evening, and the ladies of Woodrdige will be providing entertainment for the evening, as Harmony’s officers will participate in the Fun Degree. Preparations for the Master Mason class in May have begun in earnest. The degree will be held on May 27th, opening at 12 pm. We will follow the degree work with a cookout to celebrate the work of the day.
I also need to remind everyone about the June 6th communication. It is our annual Past Master’s night, and you all know what that means, a terrific evening of fellowship, and steak. I just would like to remind everyone that you absolutely need a reservation for June’s dinner, there will not be extra. Those reservations can be made through myself, so please do so no later than June 1st.
As always brothers, thank you for all that you do.