Dear Harmony family,
This past month we started off with a bang. The lady’s dinner was a great time. My wife
and I had so much fun with everyone, and the turnout was fantastic. Thank you all for your
continued support to the lodge and our families. Without our ladies we wouldn’t be able to do as
much as we do. As we continue into our new year, we at harmony plan on doing a lot of fun
Now that we have gotten through the holidays and are well on our way back to work and
our daily routines. We get into those routines and tend to get tunnel vision and maybe miss
something from time to time. I will continue to have the dates for upcoming events for harmony
on this first page to help make things a little easier to find as well as 2 to 3 other forms of
notification. Communication is the key to success, and I don’t want anyone to miss out on
anything that we do this coming year. I always look forward to spending time with all the
brothers and their families.
What we have coming up for next month. We have our regular meeting on the 4 th of
February at which we will have a guest speaker. To talk about possibly putting solar panels on
our roof to cut down our electrical operating cost. So please brothers, come to our meeting to
see the presentation and ask any questions you may have. Our EA degree will be on February
16 th . We will have dinner for all after the degree. A change for the year is our annual picnic date.
We moved it to the following Sunday after grand assembly. The reason being I would like the
members of Harmony as well as our youth groups to be able to enjoy our picnic and not be
exhausted from fulfilling their duties to Rainbow and DeMolay.
Going ahead a little into the first weekend of march we have our game dinner. As we all
know that weekend is busy. All the help and support are greatly appreciated. It’s personally my
favorite event every year even though I’m completely worn out after as so many of us are. I
enjoy the time spent with all the brothers and all the guests that leave with full stomachs. I look
forward to seeing you all at everything we have coming up. Some dates for you to be aware of:
DDGM :visitation to Ionic February 8 th 7pm
Doric board: February 10 th 6:30pm followed by the officers meeting
Fellowcraft Club: February 19 th 7pm last one before game dinner
Game dinner prep :February 28 th at the lodge 5pm
Fraternally yours, Bill