Master's Message


Master’s Message

Master’s Message – December 2011

Todd Derksen Worshipful Master Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M. 2011-2012     First I wish to thank each of the brethren for the vote of confidence in electing me as the Worshipful Master of Harmony #9, thank you. Second I would like to invite each of you in...

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View From The West – 2011

My Brothers, On the Level, I can tell each of you that there is nothing but astonishment at the thought of ascending to the East in just a few short weeks. Everything in this post will be based on the assumption of my election as the Worshipful Master of Harmony #9,...

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Master’s Message – November 2011

Robert J. Kempf Worshipful Master Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M. 2010-2011   Brethren and friends, How quickly the time has slipped by, and as we enter the last few weeks of this term, I feel I am blessed with the many memories I have gained during my time serving...

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Master’s Message September 2011

Robert J. Kempf Worshipful Master Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M. 2010-2011   Brethren,   Our brief summer respite has come to an end and now we must return to the labors of our craft.  We have had an exceptional break which included a large turn out to our...

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Master’s Message June 2011

Robert J. Kempf Worshipful Master Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M. 2010-2011   Brethren,   The summer is finally upon us, and I for one, am looking forward to slow- ing our pace down as we end our business for the season and focus more on our social events and...

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