Todd Derksen
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
First I wish to thank each of the brethren for the vote of confidence in electing me as the Worshipful Master of Harmony #9, thank you. Second I would like to invite each of you in congratulating my appointment to the line of officers, Michael Cunningham. As I told Mike, I am not appointing a Sentinel; I am looking for future Worshipful Master of our lodge, a role I know he will take seriously. Congratulations Mike! Also I wish to display my gratitude to Wor. Steve Charron PM for my own appointment to line, I hope I have and will continue to meet his expectations.
Where to begin? I know by speaking with many of you, there are several recommendations as to which road to take. A small fact about your Master that you may not know is that I used to be a gymnast in high school, actually part of an All American Team. It was unheard of to find a gymnast to be above 6 feet, let alone someone who comes in at 6’7”. Unlike most gymnasts, I didn’t start being a gymnast until my sophomore year of high school and gymnasts tended to be gymnasts from an early age, working out several hours a day, 6 days a week. I spent the first several months just trying to support my weight on the pommel horse, but I stuck with it and as with anything else I got better with time and patience. Fast forward to my senior year I went to State finals, I knew that many others (including my own teammates) had more complex routines than my own. I ended up being 6th in the state and I asked one of the judges why he thought I scored as well as I did. His reply was simple and direct, “your routine was flawless”.
I may be oversimplifying things, but I cannot endorse heading off in multiple directions and getting frustrated that we are not getting anywhere fast. So what is my first step? I, my officers and you will go out to search for the brothers that are no longer attending meetings and invite them to return to the lodge, for no other reason than they are missed and we are better with them among us. I request that those of you that no longer attend lodge (regularly), to reconsider your decision to stay home. With the help of one of the brothers, I have a surprise for the brothers that are able to attend the December meeting scheduled. I want to keep everyone focused, move together and build each other up, that’s what Masons do.
Wor. Jesse Edwards PM will again take over the responsibility for running the kitchen in my term. The cost will be $7 and I have provided the direction that since I am unable to go home before going to a lodge meeting, it is my expectation that home cooked meal will be available at the lodge. Patrick Conner has already posted the menu for my term on the website, so everyone can know what to expect.
I don’t expect ANYONE to do EVERYTHING; I do expect EVERYONE to do SOMETHING. Build your Mother Lodge, so she’s there for generations to come. Let’s start our journey together.
Todd Derksen