As “Free” Masons both in terms of ancient and speculative we are “Free” to travel. Our officers have to travel on occasions for visitations by the DDGM and Grand Master visits. It’s great to visit other lodges especially with a group of brothers and we want to invite and encourage you to join us.
That Grand Lodge has issued passports which are stamped by the Lodges and signed by the Master of Lodges we visit and an award certificate is issued when the Brother has completed visiting all the Rhode Island Lodges. The cost is $20.00 and you may receive yours without going to Grand Lodge by giving $20.00 to any officer at Harmony we will procure the Passport for you by the next meeting.
I am announcing the formation of a Passport travel club, we will develop a schedule to travel to various Lodges around the State, can you imagine the image of a few dozen brothers from Harmony showing up at a regular Lodge meeting. I always enjoy being together with our brothers, the fellowship is great and always fun. So please join us as we begin to support, our brother Lodges around the State learning about their Lodges, their history and just making new friends from other Lodges.
Steve Waxman
Worshipful Master – Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.