Dear Harmony family,

These past months the officers and I have been busy studying and rehearsing for the EA
degree. I would just like to congratulate the officers on a job well done on the degree work. Also,
congratulations to our newest brothers Dave Pickering, William Corrente and Christopher
Rosado. Thank you to everyone that came to the degree even though the weather was not

Some updates that happened with the lodge this month, the new store front
has been put in as well as the lower-level lentils have been done. Next we have picked a new
stove that will be ordered soon and the old one will be taken out and replaced. I would like to
say thank you to Don Kates for all the hard work and time he put towards being at the lodge and
coordinating the store front project as well as the lentils.

We start this next month off with my favorite event of the year with the game dinner. In
advanced Id like to thank to everyone for the hard work and dedication to this event every year.
Without all the support this event would not be a success every year. Right after the game
dinner we have our regular meeting. I hope the weather by then is starting to get better. This
year for dinner instead of corn beef and cabbage as most of us have multiple times throughout
the month it will be corn beef and pastrami Reubens. This month’s meeting is also our official
DDGM visitation I look forward to seeing everyone at the meeting, it is always a pleasure to see
all the brothers. The fellow craft club is holding another poker tournament, the last one was a
great time and I’m sure this one will be as well. Thank you everyone for the continued support
you show to the lodge and the officers. I hope everyone has a great St. Patrick’s Day and enjoys
all the corn beef they can handle. Some dates to be mindful of:

:Game dinner March 2 Nd cook time starting 7am

:Regular meeting March 4 th 6:00pm dinner will be Corn Beef and Pastrami Ruebens open lodge
at 7pm

:Doric board March 10 th 6:30pm followed by the officers meeting

:Fellowcraft club March 19 th 7pm


Fraternally yours, Bill