Dueling Pianos 2014 imageHello All I need to ask you all a question that are planning on attending the piano bar Saturday night. I received a devastating phone call yesterday afternoon, I lost a very good friend and coworker of twenty nine years suddenly. His wake is tomorrow night and the funeral is Saturday so I know that I will not be able to attend our adult night on Saturday. I would like to know if you would still like to go and if so how many of you will be attending so that I may call tomorrow and change the reservation totals. I am so sorry that I can not attend but I know that my state of mind will not be where it needs to be to attend this evening. I am sorry to give such short notice but I needed to wait to see when the arrangements would be. Please feel free to still plan on going and having a wonderful time with each others company and I will see you all at the next night out. Love to All! Missy