Todd Derksen

Worshipful Master

Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.



Congratulations to the officers for having a successful Fellowcraft Degree, especially Bro Jason Gail for his Middle Chamber lecture. We actually performed courtesy degrees for 3 brothers from outside our lodge, which was a great time conferring a degree on 12 brothers. We received several compliments about our degree work afterwards.

Regrettably we held our second Ladies Luncheon, which happened to be my second and last one in my term as Master of the Lodge, which is an event that I look forward to and hope that I have performed an adequate job for our Ladies. It was refreshing to see 3 Fellowcraft Brothers that came down to support the event. My personal appreciation goes out to my wife, Kimberly for creating the center pieces and to Wor. French for making sure that our Ladies had gifts. It was great to have live entertainment performed by a quartet that was coordinated by Bro Jim Hopper and he even took the reservations for an event he wasn’t even able to attend. Thanks Jimmy Jim!

June is our Annual Past Master’s Steak Fry, reservations are a must and they may be made through Wor. Steve Charron (401) 919-8459. Please come down and show your support for the Past Masters that will be conducting the meeting, which opens at 6:30 PM. Those with dinner reservations will be accommodated first before those that did not take the time to call theirs in.

We are looking to have our Master Mason’s Degree either at the end of June or beginning of July. As always please reference the website for the most up-to-date information.Folks should start considering their attendance at our Annual Lodge picnic, held down at Buttonwoods at the Masonic Youth Center and/or our Charity Golf Tournament to support Big Brothers of RI in July.

Upon reflection I realize how quickly my time has gone by, in the East; I only have 2 regular meetings left to conduct in my term. Harmony does an excellent job of offering the Brothers opportunities to stay involved and active; the rest is up to you. As we begin to embrace the warmer weather, I wish everyone happy, healthy & prosperous summer.

God Bless,
