Todd Derksen

Worshipful Master

Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.



In April, we were pleased to provide the brethren with the opportunity to have an additional chance to honor their commitments to the Fraternity, which I hope and believe, will become a “new” tradition for Harmony, with our visitations in Easter to our “Sick & Shut-Ins” and to our Widows or Special Ladies. It cannot be emphasized enough; these visitations are not an Officer activity and are extremely rewarding on an individual basis. If you are not participating in these events, it is our responsibility to let you know that not only are you are missing out fellowship which starts at the breakfast with the brethren, but you are allowing others to honor your obligations to the Fraternity.

We then participated later that same afternoon in our Annual Easter Egg Hunt which was held at the lodge, congratulations to Bro. Pat Conner for an enjoyable time. This day redefined who we are and what we stand for, thank you to all that participated in these events.

The month of May, is a month for us to look inward at our internal foundation of the brethren. We will have our Ladies Luncheon on May 12 at Chelo’s, 2225 Post Road in Warwick. Lunch selections are Cranberry Sage Chicken, Baked Haddock and Grilled Steak Tips. Reservations need to be made with Bro. Jim Hopper at

jimhopper1@gmail.comr or 401-595-4562 by May 7.

May 8th is our Fellow craft degree, please come down to support our 11 new candidates, along with our Senior Deacon, Jason Gail as he gives the Middle Chamber Lecture. We absolutely need to demonstrate to our candidates that we have a vested interest in their future, as they are ours. We need to collectively cultivate their skills to build up Harmony, if we don’t, they will likely go somewhere else where their skill set will be utilized and appreciated. This goes for the brethren of Harmony as well, what talent do you have that the lodge could leverage for their betterment? We need you to be engaged and involved in your lodge. Do what you can, when you can and you’ll be rewarded for your efforts.

The meals prepared by Jesse Edwards, lll PM, continue to be a jewel of the fraternity. By making the meals in-house we are able to keep our cost down. It has been brought to our attention that we have brethren that are not paying for their meals, this behavior cannot continue. Any brother that helps themselves to a meal (before or after) and does not pay will ultimately drive up the cost of the dinner for everyone else, which is just not fair. If you forget to bring money on a particular night, we’ll collect it from you another night, we don’t want to see anyone go away hungry. This brings us to the topic of dues, which Harmony had to pay our Grand Lodge Assessment in March. If a brother has a financial situation that needs to be discussed, we will handle it “on the level”, with respect, opposed to pretending like

it’s not there.

In June we’ll have our Past Master’s Night, which ironically will be my first one, as I can usually be found at the grill. I have every confidence that our Senior Warden will make sure things run smoothly as we conduct our monthly business upstairs.

Thanks for your support.
