I would like to invite any Brothers that enjoy motorcycling to think about joining our RI Chapter of the “Freemasons Riding Club”. This is a national association for Masons. In the past we had formed a Chapter named the, “Rough Ashlars”. We are promoting membership to get it active again and looking for Brother Masons who have our same interest in riding and participating in community and charity events. We are looking for members from RI and our general area lodges. You must be an active member of a Blue Lodge to join. Take time to check out the national website at www.freemasonsrc.com for specific national membership and then you can join a local Chapter. If you want to know more feel free to contact me at pfcjas@cox.net . Jim Ogilvie has set up a Facebook page. If you want to join that page and stay up on postings as we move the Chapter along here is the link: http://www.facebook.com/groups/229912240433866/
Facebook name; Freemasons Riding Club – Rough Ashlars #6