Todd Derksen

Worshipful Master

Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.



I look forward to enjoying a little downtime at the Cape with my wife and as many people that are able to attend, for I am sure that there will be many fond memories that will be created from the event. TOGA!

We should continue to be pleased with the high level of engagement of the brethren of Harmony. Please take a minute to reflect on the level of effort in coordinating twenty plus candidates, by taking a moment to show our app- reciation to Wor. Carmine DePetrillo PM for all of his efforts in completing these investigations, along with those various brothers that have supp- orted him in his endeavors.

All “able” brothers are encouraged to plan to contribute to the game dinner. It is a 3 day event beginning on Friday (3/2). This has become our annual fund raiser and while profitable, it is a very labor intensive event. We will find a spot for you; no one will be turned away.

I sat down with our Brother Junior Deacon, Steven Waxman to discuss both best practices and expectations of the new class. While it is great to enjoy the large numbers of candidates that we have coming through our doors, we will take 5 active brothers over 20 non active brothers, any day. Take the time to get to know the new people we have coming through our doors, as they are on the path to be our brothers. We need to impress upon them that “just” carrying a dues card is not enough and flies in the face of everything that we teach about Freemasonry. While I will hold the candidates accountable for contributing to the welfare of the lodge, there will be an equal accountability to the brethren for making sure that their first steps in the craft are supported.

The Travel Club is well on its way. In business, it is important to have awareness in regards to competitive intelligence. While we hope that all lodges enjoy success, we have to always challenge ourselves as to how can we improve our lodge. We cannot afford to lose a single contributor. If you are not growing, you’re dying. I had a great side bar conversation with several brothers as to the future of our lodge, after an investigation, and I will share my perspective that a lodge’s success has less to do with the Master of a lodge and more that it pulls its strength from the sidelines and that Officers serve the brethren.

For those that were not able to attend our meeting in January, I announced that we will be doing another visitation for our “Sick and Shut-Ins”/Special Ladies for the Easter time frame. Continue to look for details on our website, which is , as it is always being updated, by Bro. Patrick Connor.

Though the road is winding, the company we keep is most enjoyable.


Todd Derksen Master