Jeremy Newton

Worshipful Master

Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.

Brothers, Ladies and Friends of the Lodge,

Hopefully by the time you receive this message, you have already made your reservation for the Past Master steak fry on June 6th. If you have not made those, please get your reservation to me ASAP, you are not guaranteed a steak without a reservation. I am excited for this evening, as we get the privilege of presenting several brothers their 25 year medals. We will also be voting on new candidates for the summer class. In an effort to get the business accomplished, and still have time for fraternity after, we will be opening at 6pm that night.

There are also several other events planned for June. On June 4th, we will be visiting our neighbors at the Woodridge church for our church visitation. Please plan to meet at the lodge for 9am, then we will all walk over together. On June 10th we will be having our sick and infirm spring visitation. We will be meeting at Athena’s for 8am, then returning to the lodge to form teams and receive assignments. Then the following weekend, on June 17th, we will be opening at 9am to confer the Entered Apprentice degree for the spring class.

This is not even the end to June events, as we have a Ladies outing scheduled for the 25th of June. We will be having our luncheon at the beautiful outdoor facility at Leyden Vineyards, with a tasting of their selections included. As this will be an outdoor event, attire will be casual. Please make all reservations for the luncheon with Brother Senior Warden, James Lafitte.

Following June, we will be holding the annual picnic on July 9th. There will also be more information coming about events running all summer long, so please keep your eye out for more information.
