Jeremy Newton
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Brothers, Ladies and Friends of the Lodge,
I would like to start this month’s message with some words of congratulations to various deserving brothers. First I would like to thank and congratulate Wor. Reali and Brother Cabral for an excellent job with the annual game dinner. The weekend went very well, despite the kitchen being even hotter than usual. I also owe a word of thanks to Brother Lindberg for the creation of the slideshow that was on in the past master’s lounge during the March communication. Please be on the lookout for more of Harmony’s historical items displayed during meetings. I also need to thank Brother Senior Warden for his work with the creation of the Special Ladies committee, and the work they are all doing. Please look for their communication further along in the Trestleboard.
Now, onto some upcoming events. On April first, we will be holding the Fellowcraft degree for our current class. The degree will be followed by Woodridge Assembly’s April fool’s dinner. The next day, on April 2nd, we have our annual children’s Easter party. Then on Tuesday, April 4th, Harmony will be honored to host the Grand Master’s visitation to the central district. We will be having an informative program based on the Fellowcraft degree, and a couple more surprises, so be sure to attend.
In some exciting news, Harmony will be running a second set of degrees this year to bring even more worthy men into the Fraternity. I am looking for brethren who may be interested in assisting with this second class of the year. So, if you have ever been interested in assisting with ritual work, now is the time to let me know. We will also be looking for brethren to serve as mentors for this second class as well, if you are interested in personally assisting with the class’s Masonic journey.
In closing, I once again find myself standing in awe of the work that all of you do. Although I do not thank you all enough, please know that everything you do is noticed.