Joshua A. D. Edwards
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Wardens, Brethren and Family,
February started out with our fantastic Cape Cod Getaway with the Brothers and their wives. Friday night we gathered to enjoy light appetizers, libations and more importantly, fellowship. Many of the Brothers took over the local cigar bar, where we met a few Brothers from the local Lodges on the Cape. Saturday we all split off for the afternoon to enjoy the many local attractions like shopping, shooting ranges, breweries, and wineries. Most of our brethren just happened to gather together at an amazing restaurant called Brax Landing, whose owner is one of the Brothers we met the night before.
February, being the month of love, it’s only appropriate that we continue the Brotherly love with a Fellowcraft Cigar Night at Havana Cigar Bar. It’s amazing to see the Lodge coming back together to truly spend time as a Lodge and family.
March is going to be another busy month. Starting with Regular Communication on Tuesday, March 1st, which is also our DDGM’s Official Visitation from RW DDGM Stephan Saraidarian . After the meeting we’ll be enjoying a whiskey tasting, seeing as St. Patrick’s Day is so close. Next up is our 43rd Annual Game Dinner at the Cranston Portuguese Club hosted by our Fellowcraft Club on Sunday, March 6th. We’ll be moving our equipment to the Portuguese Club on Friday evening March 4th and food preparation on Saturday, March 5th.We all know this is an “all hands-in” event and how much fun it truly is! On Saturday, March 12th Harmony’s Officers will perform the Entered Apprentice Degree where we get to make new friends our Brothers.
With the overwhelming support the Lodge has received from our Brethren and friends, I can say without question that we are finally getting where we need to be. I’m excited to continue enjoying this year with my Brothers and their families and to continue moving forward to reach our goals.
Joshua Edwards
Worshipful Master