David R. Desplaines
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Brothers, the snowy month of February has come to a close and we are one step closer to Spring.
I am happy to announce that the Grand Master is allowing Lodges to re–open for in–person meetings beginning on February 22, 2021. Therefore, our March Regular communication meeting will be held in—person. As seating capacity is limited to 40% room occupancy, we will open a Zoom meeting for the business portion of the meeting, so that those unable to attend in person can still participate.
As an added bonus, this meeting will be the official visitation to Harmony Lodge by the Right Worshipful District Deputy Grand Master for the Central District, R:. W:. Eric Grist, who will be accompanied by his Worshipful Grand Master of Ceremonies, W:. John Kent, III. We look forward to welcoming them both.
Now that we can hold in—person meetings, we plan on finally doing the Master Mason degree sometime in March so our perpetual Fellowcraft can continue on their journey.
We have a couple of by–law change proposals that will be discussed at the March meeting so please plan to attend and be part of the conversation.
We are proposing to change the Harmony Annual to a Saturday. The past five Annuals were on a Saturday and Bro. Senior Warden Josh Edwards has indicated he will do the same. The other changes are to the MacIntosh Scholarship by–laws, which have not been updated for a number of years. We are updating them to make more available to Brothers and their families. More details will be provided at the meeting.
It has been a long and tough few months with winter and COVID–19 restrictions, having to stay home and not seeing the brothers in person has been a challenge. Hopefully March will bring better weather and fellowship.
I look forward to seeing you and being able to sit in the East for the first time as Master of Harmony Lodge.
Be Safe.,
Stay Healthy,
Dave Desplaines
Worshipful Master