David R. Desplaines
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Brothers, the holidays have passed, and spring gets closer every day. Lodge activities are basically at a standstill apart from our monthly virtual meetings. Hopefully, we will be in full swing soon.
As many of you have heard, our brothers at Prince Hall had a devastating fire that destroyed their Grand lodge building at which most, if not all, of their lodges met. Our Grand Lodge is coordinating all donations through Grand Lodge (please see a copy of the Grand Master’s letter in this issue).
Harmony stands ready to help once we know what is needed and they are closer to rebuilding. We are in the process of identifying surplus regalia that may be useful, and as more information becomes available, we will keep the membership informed. Luckily, the building was empty at the time of the fire and no one was hurt. Please keep our Prince Hall Brothers in your thoughts and prayers as this was a devastating loss for them, and for their community.
Looking forward to spring I am planning on us being able to meet and socialize in person. I will be planning events so we can get together and catch up on one another’s lives and enjoy each other’s company.
Be safe,
Stay healthy,
Dave Desplaines
Worshipful Master