David R. Desplaines
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Brothers, let me start by saying, “Thank you”, for electing me as the Worshipful Master of Harmony Lodge. It has been a long and fulfilling journey that I believe has helped prepare me for this next year. I look forward to serving the Lodge and working with the officer line and our membership to make it the best year possible.
I would like to congratulate all the officers of Harmony Lodge for a successful year and moving up into their new chairs! Let us congratulate our newest officer, Mike Meier, as he begins his journey through the chairs! Let us congratulate and thank our newest past master, Pat Connor, on finishing his year in the East! The pandemic may have slowed us down but, Pat never gave up and we continued to move forward thru these past months; even with all the covid restrictions.
As we look to the future, there is still a lot of uncertainty in the coming days and months ahead regarding what we will be able to do and not do together in person. We, at Harmony, will continue to try to be creative and make the best of what comes our way to the best of our abilities. Since it is difficult to make definitive plans as rules continue to change some items may not make the Trestleboard so, please watch email, the website calendar and/or the Facebook group for updates regarding upcoming meetings and/or events.
I hope to be able to see everyone in person and in the Lodge building soon. Meanwhile, I hope all the brothers and their families stay safe and healthy during these challenging times. We shall get thru this!
Thank you,
Dave Desplaines
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A,M,