Patrick M. Connor Jr.
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
2019 – 2020
Dear Harmon famil & friends,
I cant stop talking about ho enjoable our September Regular Communication as! Yes, a Regular Communication…meeting in Lodge and in–person! With our Grand Master alloing us to open Lodge for up to 66% of our capacit ere able to once again resume the ork of the Craft ith social distancing and measures to protect our members against COVID, of course. Even hen the Brothers in attendance ere earing their masks, I could see the ere smiling to be back in Lodge again! I had the honor of having m best friend & Brother, Michael Arce, join us for hat as one of m last meetings as our Worshipful Master. Wor. Bobb Kempf also surprised me ith the gavel he had been orking on for a hile…and it as totall orth the ait! I love it…and es, it as net to me hen I ent to sleep that evening.
The evening also gave us a unique opportunit to have one of our Brothers, Dan Lee, give a presentation on a passion project of his. His presentation of the Badge of a Mason as terrific! The hours of research ere ver evident. It as ver interesting to learn ho Freemasonr had a major influence of those ho joined and ould eventuall be the leaders of the Cranston Police Department. Considering the current social climate toards of la enforcement, Im sure all the Brethren thought the presentation as insightful and ver relevant. Thank ou for sharing that ith us!
I kno Brother Senior Warden Dave Desplaines is getting ecited for his presumptive ear as our Worshipful Master. Join us for our October Regular Communication on Tuesda, October 6th for our Step–Up Night and see Brother Senior Warden sit in the East, as ell as the current Officers assume their presumptive stations.
Harmon is surel looking forard to having our Master Mason Degree th
tentativel on Saturda, October 17 . It should be a great degree! We are also making plans for our 2nd Annual Halloeen Ice Cream Social on Frida, October 30th. Weve alread discussed measures to ensure social distancing and ell be distributing ice cream sandiches rather than create our on sundaes. This ear to ensure that the kids ill have a Halloeen to celebrate, ell also have a Trunk or Treat. A Trunk or Treat is here a group of cars decorated ith a Halloeen theme gather in a parking lot and cand is passed out to the Trick or Treaters. This is a fun event and I encourage ou to participate.
I ant to part ith this thought for ou to reflect on. Since having endured months of quarantine & social distancing, e havent reall been able to share in felloship. Make a conscience choice hen ou get an opportunit to be ith our Brethren or our etended Harmon famil to engage in conversations that are more meaningful. What I mean b that is, tr to talk about something other than the current pandemic or politics. We have been hearing about COVID–19 for months and I kno ell all be tired of the political advertising e are being inundated ith. Instead, recognie the precious time e get to have together. Talk and celebrate the positive things in our lives. Reach out and call a Brother or a member of our Harmon famil and lift their spirits if there feeing don. Its a lot more fruitful than discussing earing of masks or hat a politician said about their opponent.
Love & Respect,
Patrick M. Connor Jr.
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.