Todd Derksen

Worshipful Master

Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.



As we look out upon the New Year, it becomes not only a time of reflection for the previous year, but speculation as to what we’ll find in the pursuing year. The holidays are behind us for yet another year. One lesson that we are all too frequently reminded of is that tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone. As Masons, I am requesting that each of you to take it upon yourself to leverage the working tools to take a measurement of your own self worth. Do you engage in positive actions to build your inner temple or do you spend your time chipping away at your foundation by focusing on the negatives? We are reminded by the letter “G” that someday someone other than ourselves will take our measurement, are you ready for that day? If that day was today?

January is traditionally a time to set one’s own resolutions, please include your Mother Lodge in that list of resolutions. It doesn’t matter how big or small your contribution is to our lodge, just don’t let the opportunity pass you by. A possible suggestion would be to pick up the phone to call a brother you haven’t spoken to in a while and just see if they are doing okay. These simple acts of kindness will repay you tenfold.

* * * Calling all PAST MASTERS – Grand Master Visitation 2/7/2012 * * *

Let’s demonstrate Harmony’s Suite of Past Masters in force Next month is our scheduled visitation from the Most Worshipful Grand Master for the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, Br. Leon C. Knudsen, will be here on February 7, 2012, in our lodge.

In February, we will begin initiating our new class into the craft. I have prioritized three events that I am requesting all members of Harmony to make every effort to attend.

1. Entered Apprentice Degree – In my opinion there is nothing more important than being there to support the introduction of brethren into the craft

2. Signing of the Bylaws – the time when Master Masons become members of Harmony Lodge

3. Memorial Services– we need to pay our respects to our fallen brothers and show our respect and support for those that they leave behind

I have every confidence that Bro. Junior Deacon, Steve Waxman is up to the task of teaching such a large class of Masons. In the same breath I would recommend offering your assistance to either directly to Steve or offering to mentor one of the candidates. These men found their way to the craft for a reason and I would hate for that to get lost amongst the needs of the many. Harmony does not stamp out Masons for the numbers or the dues. Each one of these candidates needs to be utilized for their individual talents or they will more than likely go somewhere where they can be appreciated. There are several brethren that may have already fallen into this category (which is just as much our fault as it is theirs), fair warning for those in that bucket, we are coming to get you back!

Down the road we go.


Todd Derksen Master