Robert Izzi
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
2018 – 2019
Dear Harmony Lodge Family,
I hope that you all have had an enjoyable break and have had opportunities to spend time with family and friends during what has been a very good summer.While the Lodge had a more modest schedule during the “dark” months of Julyand August, there were several activities offered to foster continued fellowshipamong Harmony’s extended family. The Lodge picnic was held in July and a greatday was had by 120 brothers and their families and friends. Thank you to Brother Sentinel James Lafitte and the efforts of the Class of 2019. These Brothers, in keeping with strong Harmony tradition volunteer their time and worked incredibly hard in preparation the day before and the day of the picnic to make sure the event was a success and everyone enjoyed a day of great food, great weather and great fellowship. Be sure to make your way to Lodge for our Regular September communication for a special video taken that day, you willonly be able to see this special production in closed Lodge, you don’t want tomiss it. Prior to the Lodge going dark, members of the Class of 2019 were raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason on June 22. I would like to sincerely thank the brethren of Harmony Lodge for their support of this degree – 45 Brothers were present on the sideline to witness and participate in this degree, and the dining room was full during the family dinner that followed. Thank you to Lisa Dupre and her team in serving 70 plus people a phenomenal lunch that day. I am looking forward to overseeing the class of 2019 prove their proficiency and sign the bylaws in September to formally become members ofHarmony Lodge. The Past Masters’ meeting was also held in June. While it wasunfortunate that W. Mike Dixon was unable to attend, I very much enjoyed vacating my chair and watching W. James Ogilvie as he conducted Lodge business from the Oriental East that evening. Thank you to the other Past masters as well who reprised their previous officer roles for the evening. Scholarship award recipients (listed herein) were also identified in June. Congratulations to all recipients; the Lodge offers them best wishes as they pursue their college education.
Please plan to attend the September monthly communication not only to support our newest class of brothers but to also admire the impressive results at the completion of the latest phase of the building remodeling project, new entryway floor as well as the remodel of all four bathrooms.
There really are not enough words to express the thankfulness and appreciation I have for Bob Kempf and son Wyatt, James Rapson, Mickey Torgan, George Donahue and Armen Avagyan for their commitment to this project and doing the hands on jobs that help reduce costs. Although I have previously mentioned Bob Kempf and James Rapson unless you sit in a Doric Board meeting you cannot understand the breadth of the work these two Brothers have taken on in leadership roles and James himself will agree with this statement, Bobby you have gone above and beyond once again for your Mother Lodge and I count myself and this entire Lodge proud of your work ethic, attention to detail and tight management in bringing the projects to fruition and completion in a timely and fiscally responsible manner. On behalf of your officers, I am looking forward to seeing everyone back in Lodge inSeptember after our summer break, and I hope everyone is rejuvenated to resume labor “in the quarries”. Please plan to be active in Lodge activities as your schedule permits.
Fraternally Yours,
W. Rob Izzi