Robert Izzi
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
2018 – 2019

Dear Harmony Lodge Family,

On Saturday February 2
nd and Tuesday February 4th, Harmony Lodgewelcomed the Class of 2018, as Brothers John DiGaetano, David Chutjian, Thomas Lindquist, Michael Meier, Jeffrey Resch, Nevan Valente and Richard Nemirow were initiated as Entered Apprentices. We will have our final two candidates taking the degree during our March communication. Sitting in the East gives you a different perspective on the Degree as it unfolds, and I want to say that I am very proud of the work done by your Officers Line. Our newest candidates are already showing themselves up to the task of learning their proficiencies, and I look forward to their journey as they progress through their remaining Degrees and, ultimately, signing the By-Laws. For those Brothers who were unable to attend the Degree, please make sure to introduce yourselves to the Class at your next opportunity. Remember: out of all the Lodges in the state, they chose Harmony, and it is by our words and actions, that we show them they made the right choice. I also want to take this opportunity to thank Chef Lisa Dupre and her team for coordinating and cooking the meal we all enjoyed after the Entered Apprentice Degree. The meals that we share with the Candidates and their families afterwards is a special time, and you all help to make it that much more special.

I ask you to direct your attention to the enclosed calendar or go to our website at to review multiple dates for upcoming Harmony events in April. One major event will be the Central Masonic District Charity Event on Saturday March 23rd. The event is a comedy show being held at the Scottish Rite Building located at 2115 Broad Street in Cranston from 6p to 10pm, the doors open at 6pm and there will be lots of fun things to do before and after the show, go to for more details.

Next order of very important business is I want to bring your attention to a very important date; on Saturday April 13th at 9am we will be conferring the Fellowcraft Degree on our newest nine brothers immediately followed by our Annual Harmony Easter Party from 12pm to 3pm, reservations for the Easter Party are to be made through Bro. Junior Steward Tom Drumm (see enclosed ad for details). Lastly, please note that the deadline for the Macintosh Scholarship applications must be postmarked by May 15, 2018. Additional information is in the Trestleboard.


Rob Izzi

Worshipful Master