A View From The West 2016

Michael Cunningham Senior Warden Dear Brethren and Friends of Harmony Lodge, Several months have been spent preparing for our next Masonic year and during this preparation, I have looked both back at my time as a Lodge member, as well as forward to evaluate how best...

Master’s Message – November 2016

Al Anton Worshipful Master Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M. 2015-2016 Hello Brothers, November is rapidly approaching and so is my final ascension to the east as Worshipful Master. It has been an honor and a privilege to serve you all as master for Harmony this year...

Master’s Message – October 2016

Al Anton Worshipful Master Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M. 2015-2016 Hello Brothers, The fall is just about here. The summer is great but right about now I am happy I live in New England so I can enjoy the change from hot to temperatures that are not so oppressive. The...