A View From The West – 2013

How quickly one year has passed, as you read this Trestleboard in just a few days I hopefully go from Wishful to Worshipful Master of our lodge. In my view from the west I have seen Worshipful Mike Dixon lead us through Three degrees and with his direction and the...

Master’s Message – November 2013

Michael O. Dixon Worshipful Master Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M. 2012-2013   Dear Family, Friends and Brethren As my term as Worshipful Master of Harmony Lodge is now winding down, and I write my last Masters message, it will be simply this; a message of thanks....

Master’s Message – October 2013

Michael O. Dixon Worshipful Master Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M. 2012-2013 Dear Family, Friends and Brethren I cannot believe it’s almost October already. As he has always done, Worshipful Alan French sent an email to me, reminding me that he needs my Masters...