Al Anton
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Hello Brothers,
Belated happy new year to you all, 2016 is upon us! May it be a better one than last year, although I must admit it has started off a little rocky with the stock market taking a big dive during the 1st week. Hopefully it will turn around soon. Since my last communication, we had our Children’s Christmas party which was a hit as usual. Mr. and Mrs. Clause did a wonderful job with the kids as well as everyone who chipped in to make this event successful, especially those who were involved with planning it. We also had our Sick & Shut In and special ladies visitations this past month where the brothers brought flowers and as a special treat, cookies, that were provided for by some of the ladies of the lodge. I can’t thank everyone enough for taking time out of their busy lives to do this as it is one of the most important things we do as members of this Fraternity. Another important thing we do is provide assistance for those in need. Organized by St. Johns Lodge #1, food baskets were bought, put together and delivered by several lodges across the state including Harmony of coarse. Thank you to everyone who participated.
Coming up in February we will be facing the challenge of conferring an Entered Apprentice Degree on a number of candidates. Please come out and support our officers during their diligent work and to greet our new brothers in masonry. We would like to make a good impression on our soon to be brothers. Having just the officers there does not cut it, so please be there to help make this experience more meaningful for them.
Winter is upon us. Everyone please be careful out there. Until next time.
God Bless,
Al Anton
Worshipful Master