Al Anton
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Hello Brothers,
I would like to start out by wishing everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year even though it is likely that Christmas will have passed by the time you receive this greeting. As expected we have been very busy. Our annual banquet went off without a hitch thanks to everyone who helped make it happen. The band was awesome and the dinner was good as well. You missed a great time if you didn’t attend. Next was the ladies luncheon, another opportunity to share a meal and have a few laughs. The entertainment was provided by the Woodberry Union Church bell choir. They gave a wonderful performance of familiar Christmas songs. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves, I know I
did. My only wish is that more of our ladies and particularly special ladies took advantage of the opportunity to join us. After all, what we look forward to more than anything else is to have the opportunity to return our thanks to you for supporting us.
As I write this message the sick and shut in visitations and Children’s Christmas Party are just around the corner. I’m looking forward to a good turnout for both events. It is always enjoyable to chat with our fellow brothers and special ladies and equally enjoyable to watch the little ones at the Christmas Party as their eyes light up with the excitement of the day.
Moving forward into January. The fellow craft club is in the process of planning a movie night out to watch the latest Star Wars movie. The plan is to do it on the night of the monthly meeting on January
21st. For further details watch the event calendar on Facebook. Also coming up in January will be our annual Doric Board Association meeting. I would encourage everyone to come and voice their thoughts if they so wish to do so. I’m well aware that there are differences of opinion as to which direction we should be going regarding the building or concerns about the progress of how things are going. My only request is that everyone attending be mindful that we all want the same thing which is what is best for the lodge.
Lastly I would ask everyone to take a moment in their busy lives to pray for the men and woman who put their lives in jeopardy protecting us and our freedoms and for those who have lost their lives as a result of the craziness that has been going on both in Europe and here in this country.
God Bless,
Al Anton, Worshipful Master