Robert J. Kempf
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.& A.M.
Brethren and Friends,
It is good to finally be clear of the cold and snowy winter we have all endured. It is my hope you have all weathered it well, and look forward to the busy spring schedule ahead. We have much to accomplish this month, and a great many opportunities to enjoy each others companionship. We will be visiting our Demolay Chapter and two other Lodges in the state, to show the support of Harmony Lodge. We have events for the children and our ladies, a charity breakfast to assist one of our own, and the opportunity to welcome new Master Masons to our Craft. All this and still we have the Easter holiday to celebrate with our families.
This month our regular charity will be the St. Baldrick’s Foundation, an organization with a unique method of raising awareness and funds to help cure childhood cancer. Last month I was able to take a very personal role with the group during one of their events, having my head shaved alongside over one hundred other volunteers at McFaddens Restaurant and Saloon in Providence. While my hair will eventually return, I’ve decided to wear this new look proudly for the month, as Harmony also has also answered the call to support this worthy cause. I hope many of you will take a moment to visit the St. Baldrick’s site and get a better understanding of the difficulties so many of these children face everyday. As always, half of all funds brought in through the charity envelope program will go towards this effort in addition to our standard $250 monthly donation.
I could fill several pages detailing the many events this month, but I will let the calendar on the back of the notice speak for itself. I do feel it necessary to mention a few quick items though. On April 10th we will be traveling north to Medieval Manor for an evening out with our Ladies. The cost for this event will be $15 each and will include dinner, the show, and a pitcher of beer or wine. Please contact Brother Kyle Gamache at 374-5218 by April 5th if you would like to join us, as we do need to place reservations in advance. This year we our district charity will be an all you can eat breakfast held on April 17th from 7 am-12pm, this event is coming together very fast and we do need volunteers to help cook and set up. Please call me at 206-0077 if you are interested in helping out. Following the breakfast will be our annual Kids easter party/egg hunt. Brother Jason Gail will be running this event, so please give him a call at 206-1283 to give him a count of any children who will be attending. I will be continuing office hours every Monday night, but do to a District visitation to TS Webb Lodge, the Lodge office will not be open on Monday April 18.
On a final note, I would like to wish you all a safe and happy Easter this month. Though it has been commercialized like so many of our other holidays, I hope you will keep its important meaning of hope and salvation in your hearts.
Robert J. Kempf
Worshipful Master