Al Anton
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Hello Brothers,
Well, the time has arrived for me step up and sit in the east. I must say it is a very humbling experience to go through and a huge honor to have the opportunity to serve as master of HarmonyLodge. My only hope is to able to serve the lodge with the same grace and dignity as so many of our previous masters who have come before me.
Like last month, December is another busy month. We have our ladies luncheon on December 6th. To all you ladies and special ladies out there, we have these luncheons to honor you and thank you for all the years of support you have given us while we are out there conducting the business of masonry. So come on out, have some fun, catch up with some of your masonic friends you have not seen in a while or make some new friends. If you need transportation, we would be happy to assist you with that as well.
Our Sick & Shut In Visitations are on December 12th followed by the Children’s Christmas Party on the 13th. Since I became a mason back in 2004, I have seen several groups of men come in and join the lodge. Some of you have immediately got involved with the craft but others seem to have disappeared off the map. This would be a great time for you to ask yourself why did I decide to become a
mason. Was it just curiosity, or did you join with the belief that you could be part of a fraternity of men who want to make a difference in this world while at the same time form friendships to last a lifetime? What ever the reason is, I would encourage you to come on back and take part in the social and meaningful things we do as masons such as the above aforementioned activities. I believe you will not regret it.
My final thoughts for this month are to thank all my officers for agreeing to continue on this Journey with me this year. You guys are awesome! I can’t believe how fortunate I am to have such a great group of men supporting me this year. I also want to thank Worshipful Kempf for asking me to be his Sentinel and Ed Carpenter for agreeing to be mine. I would also be remiss if I did not thank my wife Carol and our children for their support.
God Blass,
Al Anton
Worshipful Master