Steve Waxman
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Our seemingly short Summer at an end we got right back to work at the September meeting. We performed a Mock Funeral Service for the Brothers, the Funeral memorial service is the last and perhaps most important thing we can do for a departed brother. We were joined by the R.W. associate Grand Chaplain for the Grand Lodge, Alfred M. Cameron, who wrote the book on the Memorial Service.
R. W. Al gave us insights in to the why and how the service is to be performed and we thank him for his great Work.
October, is step up night, always a fun evening; as we watch our officers attempt the rituals they will be performing in their new position. I sincerely hope to see a large turnout in support of our officers as they prepare for their new positions. I believe our officers have worked hard this year and deserve our support and praise.
May the Supreme Grand Master of The Universe grant us peace and harmony as we move toward our new Masonic year.
Steve Waxman,
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9