Steve Waxman
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Greetings Brethren;
It’s been a busy summer at Harmony. Our annual Picnic was a big hit and I want to congratulate Brother Sentinel David Desplaines and the class of 2015 for their outstanding work, and all those who helped make the picnic such a great success.
We enjoyed our annual Golf Tournament just one week after the picnic. Kudos’ to Brother Junior Warden Mike Cunningham for a great job and a big thanks to all those who helped make the tournament a great success.
I also want to congratulate our class of candidates for their hard work and excellent proficiency and they were then treated to an outstanding Master Mason Degree. We should all be proud of the job done by our officers line and all the brothers who stepped up to make the Degree a spectacular night. For those who missed it you indeed missed something very special. In particular we were treated to the Canadian Charge by Brother Chaplain Robert Fish, great job Bob.
The September meeting will feature a presentation by the entire officers line of the Masonic Funeral Service. This is one of the most important duties we are charged to carry out. If you have never seen the service you won’t want to miss the meeting. Saying goodbye to a fallen Brother is the last thing we can do for them and the Masonic Funeral Service is a beautiful way to do it. I hope to see a large turn out for the meeting.
May The Grand Master of the Universe grant us all a wonderful end of summer and find us all rested and refreshed.
Steve Waxman, Master
Harmony Lodge #9