Steve Waxman
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Greetings Brethren,
April was a busy, challenging month, our regular communication featured a presentation by RW Paul Kokolski, Dir of Masonic Education for the Grand Lodge. RW Paul made a number of excellent points regarding our relationship as Masons with our community and each other.
On Tuesday the 14th we passed three candidates to the Fellowcraft degree and congratulations are in order to the officers for their outstanding work, particularly Brother Senior Deacon Mick Torgan who gave a stunning performance in the Middle Chamber, thank you Mick. I also want to congratulate Brother Junior Deacon Jim Hopper for his work in preparing the candidates and for his work in the degree, well done Brother Hopper.
May’s meeting will feature a presentation by Right Worshipful Rick Lynch, Grand Curator/Librarian for The Grand Lodge. RW Rick will speak about the Founding of The Grand Lodge and will bring samples of the material in the collections of The Grand Lodge. Rick has worked long and hard developing presentations which are both extremely informative and entertaining, I hope to see many Brothers coming out to support RW Rick and our Lodge.
Steven B. Waxman
Master Harmony Lodge #9