Steve Waxman
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
I want to congratulate the officers of Harmony Lodge for their
outstanding work in the EA degree and welcome 5 brothers to the class of 2015. They look like a terrific group of candidates and I’m sure they will be assets to the Craft.
We were treated by a visit from the Pawtuxet Rangers at the February meeting, their fife and Drum Corp came marching into the Lodge playing Yankee Doodle and Col. Ronald Barnes informed of us of the long history shared by Harmony Lodge and the Rangers.
March’s meeting will take us from our Revolutionary roots to a presentation by Leo Kennedy on Masonic participation in the Civil War. We generally know a lot about Masonic influence in the Revolution but how much influence and what was the affect of the Civil War on Masonry, come to the March meeting and find out.
It has been 10 years since the last Masonic feast was held by Harmony lodge. Mark your calendars for April 25 at the Anawan club in Rehoboth MA. Their will be a limited amount of tickets for this event. Tickets will be available shortly and the menu and pricing will be sent out in an email blast and discussed at the March meeting. Please contact Brother Patrick Connor if he does not have your email address.
Steven B. Waxman
Master Harmony Lodge # 9