Steve Waxman
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Brethren, thank you for your expressions of sympathy and support as I
processed through my time of grief. It is during times like this when the
true meaning of brotherhood is so apparent, welcomed and deeply
I was thrilled to see so many Brothers turn out for the December
meeting especially 18 Past Masters, can we get 19 in January. We will
receive an interesting presentation of a Masonic nature at the January
meeting and I urge all our Brothers to attend. Again I request everyone to
invite, encourage or drag those Brothers we haven’t seen in a while to
attend the meeting. It is especially important that we have a large turn
out since January is also the Annual Doric Board meeting and we will be
hearing about our thoughts and possible plans for the future location of
the Lodge.
Our line of officers needs to be congratulated for their outstanding
work in December not only for their ritual performance at the meeting
but for their dedication in developing and conducting all the activities in
Sick and shut-in visitation, Children’s Christmas Party, Ladies Luncheon,
decorating the Lodge for the holidays, attending the DDGM visitation at
Manchester Lodge, it was a very busy month.
I hope everyone has a joyous and blessed Christmas and a Happy New
Year. May the Grand Architect of The Universe continue to Bless, guide
and inspire us in 2015 as we do the work of the Craft.
Steven B. Waxman
Master Harmony Lodge # 9