Steve Waxman
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
And we’re off! Like a relaxing kayak trip down a raging river I wish you all a safe happy and joyous season. With Thanksgiving behind us and Christmas followed by New Years and Festivus, Harmony is loaded with activities. Please join us for the Sick and Shut-in visitations on Dec. 6th Brother Junior Warden Mike Cunningham has been working hard on this event and needs your help, please contact him to participate. On Dec. 13 we are holding the Ladies Luncheon and look forward to a big turn out.
December’s meeting will feature a Baked Ham Dinner, and a presentation at the meeting by the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation. What to do with all those TVs, Microwaves and computers we replaced over the holidays, not to mention light bulbs etc. find out at the meeting.
The view from the East is a little different in that one see’s all those present and those missing. I have always looked forward to seeing the Brothers on meeting night and wanting to see those who I haven’t seen in a while. So I call on all the Brothers to contact the Brothers you haven’t seen in a while, I will do my best to make meetings interesting and fun but bringing out the Brotherhood is a mission I ask all of you to assist with, if we all bring one missing brother to a meeting we will have made a great start.
On a personal note I was deeply moved by the number of brethren who joined us at our annual meeting followed 4 days later by our annual banquet. Brothers from across the state joining with Harmony supporting us at these two events made them very special indeed. Including the wonderful entertainment by Brother Frank Castellone and his band. Thank you all!
May the Supreme Grand Master of The Universe grant us all Peace, Joy and Harmony in the coming year.
Steven Waxman