Edward J. Diggle
Worshipful Master
Harmony Lodge #9 F.&A.M.
Dear Brethren,
I am sure that each outgoing master begins his November message with: I can’t believe how fast this year has gone by. Well just like them I feel the same. I would like you all to know how great the honor has been to serve Harmony Lodge #9. The history of Harmony is long and distinguished. I am happy to have been a part of that history.
I know my Harmony brothers that because of age or distance of travel were not able to attend a meeting this year let me recap some of what your lodge has done. Socially, Officers and brothers traveled to many Grand Masters and District Deputy Visitations representing Harmony well. With the help our most resent new Master Masons and others we had our Annual Picnic. We attended Central District Charity Function at Epiphany Church soup kitchen caring for less fortunate and homeless on Saturday afternoons. Harmony also had the annual Christmas and Easter Party and Egg Hunt for our children and grandchildren. We also had 5 Date Nights which were well attended by the brothers and their ladies.
Fraternally, we did our EA, FC, and Master Mason Degrees raising 4 brothers to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. I would like to know that your officers put tremendous effort into each of these degrees ending with the Master Masons degree. Many on the sidelines said it was the best they had seen in many years. This being a recap you can see how busy your lodge has been socially and fraternally.
It takes many brothers working together to keep our active lodge moving. To all of you that willingly participate when there is work to be done, to the many on our Boards and Committees, thank you. To those able to travel and represent Harmony, to those able who make the effort to attend Memorial Services for a passed brother, Thank you.
To my line of officers… Steve, Al, Mike, Mick, Jim, Rob, Patrick, Dave, Dick, Bob, James O, James and Alan your support for me and each other was unflinching. No matter the issue we all worked together to solve it. Thank you.
As we all know being a Master the support given to us by family and friends is most important to our success. Thank you to all of you for your help and council.
Cheryl. I could not have gone through each chair and station up to Master without you by my side, your support and encouragement inspired me not to fear rituals and lectures. Oh and yes” did you study today” question happened also. Sweet Heart Thanks. We can now rest and remember these times happily. Love You.
st P.S. Don’t forget our Ladies at the Table Saturday November 1 . Our November Meeting on
Tuesday November 4th and the Annual Meeting Tuesday November 18th.
Edward J. Diggle
Master Harmony Lodge #9