175th Anniversary of Armory Hall & Re-Dedication of Cornerstone
Bob Sterns is presented with his 50 Year Service Medal. Congratulations Bob!
Harmony’s Holiday Ladies Luncheon
Harmony’s Annual Communication & Installation of Officers
Step-Up Nite 2017
Wor. Michael Cunningham presents check from Harmony to Sgt. Jed Hall of U.S. Marines for Toys for Tots. Harmony members that are Veterans gather in the East for a group photo.
Congratulations Class of 2016 !
Fidelity DeMolay Pi Day 2016
Worshipful Master Al Anton presents a check to East Greenwich Food Cupboard during January’s Regular Communication
Congratulations Class of 2015!
Harmony’s Annual Children’s Christmas Party
Order of the Commemoration of Col. Elisha Hunt Rhodes – Saturday, July 19, 2014
Order of the Commemoration of Col. Elisha Hunt Rhodes – Saturday, July 19, 2014
Worshipful Master presents 4 brothers visiting us at our May meeting with Harmony’s pin
Worshipful Master Ed Diggle presents Harmony pins to Bro. Steve Stoll from Harmony Lodge #156, Rob Robertson from Chevalier De Fer #9732 & Peter Russell from St. George #3158 visiting from England...
Harmony’s Annual Game Dinner Comic 2014
Harmony’s Oldest Member
Brother Jerry Latham, 103 years old, joined us at our November lodge meeting. He's been a member for 66 years.
Harmony’s Annual Picnic
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Easter Hop Race 2013
The Polar Express 2012
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Master, Wardens & Officers 2012-2013
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Harmony Annual Communication / Installation 2012
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Ladies at the Table 2012
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